Tips & Additional Information

Tips & Additional Information

The ICMS Team has compiled a list of tips and other useful information that can help with navigating through the ICMS CurricUNET system. CurricUNET continues to provide enhancements to further improve usability.


  • The Prerequisite Review Report has three columns; the first is a blue column that displays what is in the ICMS Prerequisite Catalog View field in the ICMS course form, then two yellow columns. The first yellow column displays term prerequisite course(s) become effective. Non-course information is considered text and does not have an effective term. The final yellow column displays the preprequisites from Banner.
  • To view GE assigned for a course or group of courses, use the Class Search or the GE search tools for all courses or by term to verify the GE assigned.

Search & Navigation

  • Firefox is the preferred browser for using ICMS.
  • Select the ICMS logo in the top left corner to return to the home page.
  • How to search multiple subject codes.
  • You cannot search by subject code in the "Title/Course #" search field.
  • In the Approvals "Title" search field, you cannot search by course number.
  • Some of the text fields can be expanded by dragging the dotted, bottom-right corner. It helps with readability for large text fields like the Legacy History. The text box size defaults to the original size after leaving the tab.
  • In the course form, an orange box on the tab indicates that the tab has required fields that need to be filled. The number inside of the box shows the number of fields that are completed out of the total required fields.
  • Leaving the page idle increases the chances of the system “timing out” or behaving abnormally. If it does this, then simply refresh/reload the page.

Unmoving/Stagnant Proposal Forms

  • Stagnant and/or unmoving course proposals are those records entered but not acted on for two or more years. The proposals may be in DRAFT status, or they may have been entered into the workflow but have stayed at, or returned to, the originator or the Chair level.
  • If a course proposal form is not updated or does not move from the Originator or Chair workflow level for two years, the form may be deleted by the ICMS team. 

Future Enhancements

  • To reactivate a course, contact the ICMS Team. A new proposal type will be available in the future for course reactivations.