
General Information

If a class is full, students can place themselves on a waitlist using Schedule Builder during their Pass One registration appointment time. The waitlist process runs through the 12th day of instruction. Note that not all courses have waitlists and some courses only have a waitlist during Pass Two. Waitlisting for courses with Reserved Seats begin during Pass Two. 

Waitlisted courses count towards the maximum units allowed during registration periods. The units of a waitlisted course do not count when determining eligibility for financial aid.

Students are notified via their UC Davis email address when they are enrolled into a class from the waitlist.

If the system encounters a registration error when attempting to add the student in position #1, an email notification is sent to the student providing the error that the system encountered. The system will attempt to register the position #2 student on the waitlist, and the first student will be placed back into position #1. Please be aware that the system can only report one registration error in the email notification even if there are multiple registration issues.

If there is any time conflict in your schedule, you will not be able to roll from a waitlist. You must resolve the conflict to continue or obtain a permission to add (PTA) number to add the course to your schedule.

During the Schedule Adjustment period, some courses have departmentally controlled enrollment, and as a result, students may not be automatically registered from the waitlist when seats become available.

All students are responsible for dropping waitlisted courses they do not wish to attend via Schedule Builder.

Students moved from the waitlist into a 10-day drop course after the 10th day of instruction have a 72-hour grace period to contact the Office of the University Registrar, to drop the course without a PTD (Permission to Drop number). This grace period is only for students who erroneously register or are added from the waitlist into a 10-day drop course after the 10th day of instruction.

Waitlist Ended

During the academic terms, waitlists begin during Pass One registration appointments and end after the last day to add classes, the 12th day of instruction. Summer Sessions and some professional schools have different waitlist periods. Students who have not been added to a waitlisted course before the waitlist ends will be dropped and registration error, Dropped-Waitlist Ended, will be displayed in the status box for the class on Schedule Builder.