Units & Contact Hours


Variable Units: Select this box for variable unit courses. If selected, the form will make both “from” and “to” fields available.

Override Calculation: If your course does not conform to standard Carnegie Rule calculation, select this box to override the automatic calculation of unit value. 

Course forms that migrated in June 2016 from the old ICMS system will have this box selected.  It is desirable for the box to be deselected when the course is modified to allow the calculator to generate the unit value.

Override Calculation Justification: This field is required when Override Calculation is selected. If the course has not been updated before in CurricUNET, courses will show the justification from the old ICMS approval systems (replaced in June 2016). Clear out the Override Calculation Justification field and deselect the Override Calculation check box to allow the system to generate the unit value based on the learning activities entered. 

Select one: For Carnegie Rule calculation, choose the appropriate length of your course. Usually, this is the standard 10-week quarter.

Units: When you enter the Learning Activities, the total units will calculate. To override the Units, mark the Override Calculation field.

Variable to: For variable-unit courses, select the Variable Units box and the "Variable to"  field will display.

Learning Activity: To ensure general classroom assignment, enter any lecture and discussion activities first.

Learning activity refers to the teaching method(s) being used; e.g., lecture, laboratory, discussion. Hours per week/session are the contact hours between student and instructor for each teaching method.

The learning activity provides important information about the course's unit value. Contact hours between instructor and student are viewed as in classroom. Some activities are out of classroom hours and should be described further  (the kind of paper, its length, etc.) in the Expanded Course Description, Summary of Courses Contents. This will help students and the Course Committee understand the unit value assigned to the activity.

Select the activities that best match the course, placing first those with in classroom hours, such as lectures and discussions.

In Classroom (Hours/Week or Session): The number of hours per week or hours per session that a student is in a classroom with an instructor.

NOTE: Some Learning Activities will automatically calculate the Out of Classroom time, but will not show the hours in the Out of Classroom field. The following Learning Activities assume two hours of outside work for every hour in classroom:

  • Discussion
  • Discussion/Laboratory
  • Lecture
  • Lecture/Discussion
  • Lecture/Lab
  • World Wide Web Electronic Discussion
  • World Wide Web Virtual Lecture

Out of Classroom (Hours/Week or Session): The number of hours per week or hours per session that a student works on preparing for the class, or activities that occur within the Learning Activity but not in a formal setting or standard classroom assembly.

Total Hours: Calculates hours based on in/out classroom time and type of learning activity as stipulated by the Academic Senate.

Units: The units this activity calculates to. Carnegie calculation is Credit Hours x (Weeks/Sessions) ÷ 30.

Justification of Units: During data migration to CurricUNET in June 2016, the text from the “Justification of Units” field in the old ICMS was copied to this field.  The Justification of units from the previous ICMS system will show on older records but will not display when the course is updated. 

Tips and Additional Information

If the Learning Activities or Units do not load correctly, try reloading the page.